Research Interests:
My research covers a range of topics relevant to health production function and human capital theory, the social and economic determinants of health, health care demand, utilisation of health services and health care costs, the role of energy deprivation on health/wellbeing outcomes, the economics of obesity, the economics of disability, the economics of prevention, the economics of risky behaviours, and socioeconomic inequalities in health and healthcare. I am also interested in the survey measurement of health and the implications of measurement error (in health measures) for the existing (health and labour) economics research. On these topics, I published papers in the Journal of Health Economics (4 papers), Health Economics (6 papers), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Energy Economics (3 papers), Economics Letters, Review of Income and Wealth, Social Science & Medicine (2 papers), Economics & Human Biology (6 papers), Empirical Economics, and in high impact interdisciplinary journals (PLOS One and Scientific Reports). I have been awarded the "Distinguished Author Award" by Health Economics (Wiley) in 2022. Recently, I was appointed as a member of the IHEA’s Arrow Award Committee for a three-year term (2025-2027). My research is frequently featured in national and international media outlets, which among others include: the voxeu, the Guardian, Politico, Newsweek, inews and Daily Mail. My work on the economics of obesity has been used by the Congressional Budget Office, to shape and inform anti-obesity policy; the relevant reports are available here and here. My work on the income-health gradient is acknowledged by Public Health England on a recent report about the health profile of the population. Moreover, my research on the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the national guidelines on mental health during COVID-19 as it has been cited by Public Health England, as well as by the Mental Health Research Advisory Group, Scottish Government. I qualified as finalist for the "Outstanding impact in health, wellbeing and welfare" Award, University of East Anglia (2022). More recently my research provides evidence in Ofgem’s (2023) statutory consultation, impact assessment and decision to introduce new licensing requirements improving consumer standards in the energy market. The regulator employs our research to justify the "positive impact of the proposed regulation on consumers’ health and wellbeing". Overall, I have been awarded research funding from ESRC that exceeds £1.5 million as a Principal Investigator, Co-investigator (or Fellow). I worked as an Associate Professor and (previously) Assistant Professor (Scale B) at the University of East Anglia. Before these appointments, I was a (tenured) Research Fellow (and, previously, postdoctoral researcher) at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (2013-2019). During my time at the University of East Anglia, I also served as the Director for postgraduate (MSc in Health Economics programs) and undergaduate studies in health economics. External affiliations Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) Research Fellow, Global Labor Organization (GLO) Research Fellow, RWI- Research Network Research Fellow, IZA Research Affiliate, HEDG, University of York Research Associate, ISER, University of Essex I obtained my PhD from the University of Patras, Greece in March 2014. Prior to my PhD I completed an MSc in Health Economics at the University of York, U.K. a BA (Hons) in Economics and a BA (Hons) in Business Administration at the University of Patras, Greece. |